Teacher`s Empowerment on Teaching and Learning strategies
As part of our responsibility to promote teaching methods in inclusive schools, we are building the capacity of all teachers, that is, those with a special education profession and those without such education by conducting explanatory seminars, workshops and special meetings. The service reaches both in-service teachers and out-of-service teachers.
Heads of Schools receives special trainings the opportunity to be empowered to be leaders of change through effective leadership that considers the needs of all teachers and students. Similarly, OSNET provides learning and assistive aids for students with disabilities such as projectors, computers, wheelchairs, notebooks, pens, hearing aids, white sticks, magnifying glasses and so on.

Students Empowerment
Through our special education clubs in schools, we do capacity building programs to both disabled and non-disabled in leadership, live in a state of equality, help each other, recognize their rights, have the courage to express themselves and also become future activists of human rights.
Furthermore, OSNET offers extra courses on vocational training and entrepreneurship in Primary and Secondary schools. The goal is to enable disabled and non-disabled students to have knowledge that will help them become self-employed after finishing school.

Advocating for change
OSNET implements mobilization activities against negative attitudes towards people with disabilities in all social spheres, including participation in leadership, education, health and economy. We use various platforms including special education clubs in schools, seminars and workshops for parents, teachers, organizations, students themselves and policy makers.

Sign Language Trainings
Sign language has been one of our main focuses in unlocking communication between deaf and non-deaf students and their teachers. Language is the main tool of communication so without communication there is no understanding among each other. OSNET conducts sign language training in 89 secondary and primary schools. We have made 3012 sign language interpreters for 2019-2023 and those trainees were given certificates of sign language participation

Award For Champs
Award for Champs
In our programs in schools, OSNET always rewards schools that emerge to win or do better than other schools. Those gifts are money or equipment that will help students improve their educational needs

Community Service
In addition to educational services in schools, OSNET conducts outreach programs to reach other needy groups in society such as the elderly. We have clothes, food and create awareness to stop discriminations.

Food for Young Pupils with Impairment
Osnet takes care on health of young pupils with autism in some of integrated schools, to keep them healthier and reduces their school dropouts

I would like to thank OSNET for this training especially in the sign language side as there has been a big change in the academic achievement for deaf students.

At first I did not understand the importance of having sign language interpreters in school, now I have realized that and I will implement it quickly. I thank OSNET for their workshops

JACKSON JONAS (Student – Bwiru Boys Secondary School)
I have learned carpentry issues of making chairs and tables that is an area I love a lot. I thank OSNET and I ask you to continue to help us more.

ENOCK JOSEPH (Student- Tanga Technical Secondary School)
I have benefited from the training at the Special Education Club by learning entrepreneurial education about batiki, bracelets, and earrings making. We ask our OSNET experts not to end here but continue to help us more so that we can be self-employed in the future

REHEMA SALUM (Student – Mlingano Secondary School)
I have honed my skills in vegetable gardening and tattooing. I thank the OSNET organization for the knowledge they gave me because I can teach other people in need